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Easter Invite Resources

"Shareables" to help you invite friends/family/coworkers etc. to the Passion Play & Easter Sunday!

Want to invite people to the Passion Play & to worship on Easter Sunday?

YAY! We're happy to hear that!

96% of people who don’t currently attend church are at least somewhat likely to attend church if they are invited. That's good news for those needing to hear the "Good News" of Jesus!

Not sure how to invite them or looking for some resources to help? That's okay! We've got you covered!

Here's what we've got going on to help you:

  1. "Invite Cards" & Candy | March 17 & 24 you'll be able to pick up some invitations & M&M's in order to give those to those you're wanting to invite.
  2. Social Media Graphics | Below you'll be able save the images/photos to your cameral roll and then share them to your social media pages and/or text them to someone you're wanting to invite. We're even including verbiage to post if you're looking for help on what to say too.
  3. Share Our Social Media Posts | When you see a social media post about the Passion Play or Easter Sunday share it to your social media page.
  4. Printable Flyers | Below you'll be able to download flyers for the Passion Play and Easter Sunday. Print them out and hand them out wherever you're able to.
  5. Ideas for the flyers
  6. Hang up at your cubicle/desk/office at work
  7. Hang up on an info board at your work
  8. Pass out to coworkers
  9. Save the file to your computer & email it to people

So...WHO do you invite?

Literally anyone.

Ask God to show you who you should invite.

Ideas on who to invite:

  1. Start with who you know who might not be a follower of Jesus.
  2. Neighbors
  3. Co-workers
  4. Waiter/Waitress
  5. Barista at a coffee shop
  6. Person working at the cash register at a store you're shopping at
  7. Who else can you think of?

Social Media Graphics

Hold the image down & save to your camera roll. From there you can post the image to your social media pages and/or text this to a friend to invite them!

To copy the verbiage provided, simply hold down the text area, select the text, and then copy it and paste it along with the graphic when you post.

Verbiage For Social Media Posts


Feel free to use our words if you need a little help inviting someone. A quick "You're invited" always works well too.

The Passion of Christ.


Does it matter today?


See the difference Jesus can make in your life as you experience Jesus through Hilldale's Passion Play - "FREE: My Chains Are Gone!"


Enjoy live music, choir, and theatrical performances that tell the story of Jesus.


This event is for all ages & stages.

Friday, March 22 | 7pm

Saturday, March 23 | 7pm

Sunday, March 24 | 3pm 


Admission is free.


You’re invited to join us for worship on Easter Sunday! 

Choose a service time that works best for you, your family and your friends!

Madison Street Campus | 2001 Madison St.

Traditional & Blended Worship Style

7am, 8:30am & 9:45am 

Family Life Center Campus | 250 Old Farmers Rd.

Contemporary Worship Style

9:45am & 11am

Printable Flyers (PDF)

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