We're Hilldale is happy to be part of CMCSS' Partners in Education! And because Barksdale Elementary is the close to us, we adopted them!
We'll be offering support throughout the year in a variety of ways, but right now we're collecting school supplies to help their students start off the school year right!
Ready to get involved?
- Grab a supply list at either campus (or see items listed below), and drop off items at the red schoolhouse at either campus by Sunday, August 6. OR...
- Shop from the Amazon Wishlist and have items sent right to us!
Supply List:
- Dry Erase Markers (Black & Colored)
- Copy Paper (Colored & White)
- Sharpies (Black)
- Notebook Paper
- Post-It Notes
Frequently Asked Questions:
When do you turn in the items?
No later than Sunday, August 6.
Can I drop off items throughout the week at the FLC?
Absolutely! Just come in during normal hours of operation and you can place your items in the red school house at the FLC. Thank you!
Can I share this serving opportunity with others not at our church?
Of course! The more the merrier! Thank you!
Why did we choose to adopt Barksdale?
Barksdale is the closest Elementary school to us and it just made sense to help those nearby. Other area businesses and churches have adopted other schools so that no school is left out.