Rest & Recharge for LIFE Groups | July

July Only: No Student/Kid LIFE Groups; no childcare; Adult groups can choose to meet. Learn more!

LIFE Group Rest & Recharge | July 2024


Here at Hilldale, we prioritize the well-being of our volunteers and understand the significance of Sabbath rest. And we recognize the tireless dedication of our LIFE Group Leaders who serve all year long. 


Because of this, we’d like to give our LIFE Groups the option of not meeting during the month of July. 


This break offers our leaders an opportunity to rest, replenish their spirits, and return with renewed energy and passion to serve in their ministry areas. 


We understand some LIFE Groups might choose to continue to meet in July. This is okay, but we do encourage these groups, and their leaders, to find other ways to prioritize a time of rest.


All the Details:

  • No LIFE Groups for Students/Kids for July 7, 14, 21, 28
  • No WoW (Children's Worship Services)
  • Adult LIFE Groups can choose to meet or choose to rest | Those choosing to meet still keep their normal time/room.
  • No Classes for children/babies | These Sundays will be a family worship style; color sheets/activities will be provided for the kiddos.
  • All LIFE Groups resume as normal Aug. 4


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