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La Roca Eterna | Iglesia en Español

"The Eternal Rock" Spanish Church! Hilldale is hosting a Spanish Church. Get all the details!

Hey Church Family,


Starting Sunday, April 28, Hilldale will begin hosting a new Hispanic church, la Roca Eterna (the Eternal Rock) in Building B at 11:00am. They will be joining our MSC 9:45 LIFE Group hour, as well. 


This opportunity developed rapidly. And while there are details we need to work out, we’re delighted to be able to support them in reaching the Hispanic community for the Kingdom of God. The need is great.


How great? Glad you asked.


In Montgomery County alone there are nearly 24,000 Hispanic/Latino individuals. This is about 11% of our population. The need is great.


We welcome la Roca Eterna and embrace the beautiful tapestry of cultures that make up the body of Christ. It is our joy to partner with them to reach the Hispanic community for Christ.


Remember, "Existimos para la gloria de Dios, para hacer, madurar y multiplicar discípulos," or “We exist for the glory of God to make, mature, and multiple disciples.”



Your HBC Staff



P.S. As more details come, we will share them with you. For now, join us in praying for this ministry.