Fall Retreat

Students 7th-12th Grade | Oct. 14-18 | Panama City Beach, FL! Learn more!


SAVE THE DATE: Oct 14-18

Students 7th-12th Grade are invited to join us for our annual Fall Retreat at the Cottages Christian Retreat location in Panama City Beach, FL.

Dates: Oct. 14-18 (Fall Break)


  • Students | $175
  • Deposit | $75 non-refundable
  • Payments may be made

Deadline to Register: Oct. 4 | Registration is now closed.

Final Balance Due: Oct.11

Got Questions?

Check out the info sheet below or email our Student Minister, Seth Devine: sdevine@hilldale.org or his assistant, Christi Williams: cwilliams@hilldale.org

To learn more about Cottages Christian Retreat visit their website here: https://cottageschristianretreat.com/

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