We're calling a meeting!
A Church Family Business Meeting--because our business is your business.
Join us as we talk about our plans for 2025, go over the budget & MAP (Ministry Action Plan), vote on Deacon Nominations, and spend time praying together.
🗓Date: Nov. 3
⏰ Time: 5pm | Prayer & Family Business Meeting
📍Location: MSC Worship Center
All members of our church are invited to attend.
Representatives from our personnel & finance committees will be available for questions & discussions in-between and after all services on Oct. 20, 27, and Nov. 3 in the following locations:
- MSC – Connection Desk in the lobby (the one closest to the front door)
- FLC – Front Desk in the lobby
Copies of the 2025 MAP may be picked up at the Connection or Welcome Desk at either campus beginning Sunday, Oct. 20.
Nominated Deacons
- Daniel Ufford
- Tom Thompson
- Tyson Harris
- Steve Hawk
- Joshua Bunger
- Matt Drew
- Jostin Crass
Ad hoc Committee Results
At last year's meeting, a committee was formed to study the biblical basis for female deacons and consider amending our Constitution and By-laws accordingly. Read the committee's full report.